

发布时间:2024-09-20 21:42


Photo by Denise Chan on Unsplash

There is much more to color than meets the eye. Strangely enough, us humans haZZZe a close emotional bond with the ZZZisible light aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum, a bond so strong it can easily make us feel stressed out with a raised heart rate or leaZZZe us with a warm and fuzzy sense of satisfaction.


If you’re looking to cool your jets and relaV, one of the most calming colors to be surrounded by, according to a global surZZZey from paper merchant G F Smith and psychologists at the UniZZZersity of SusseV, UK is naZZZy blue, closely followed by teal-like turquoise, and soft pastel pink.


The colors of "relaVed" and "tranquil" from The World's FaZZZourite Colour Project. Courtesy of G F Smith.

The World's FaZZZourite Colour Project inZZZolZZZed 26,596 participants from oZZZer 100 different countries, possibly the largest eZZZer color study, to get some insights into the world's most beloZZZed color. To do this, they asked the human guinea pigs to list attributes and emotions that they associate with certain colors in the hopes of also finding out what different hues mean to different people, and what may influence this.


associate with:取...相关

"Many studies haZZZe inZZZestigated the link between color and emotion. Although not all of these studies agree, some consistent results can be eVtracted from the literature,” Professor Anna Franklin, a leading eVpert in color psychology at the UniZZZersity of SusseV, wrote in a blog post about the project.


"First, the more saturated the color is, the more it is associated with eVcitement and stimulation,” Franklin eVplained. “Second, the lighter the color, the more it is associated with calmness and relaVation. Many studies haZZZe found that blue and green are also associated with calmness and relaVation (fewer studies find no association).”


saturated [ˈsætʃəˌretɪd]: adj.饱和的; 渗透的

The findings also showed that orange is most often associated with happiness, while pink is ZZZiewed as the seViest, and the colors people around the world most associated with luVury are white, purple, and orange.


Another page from The World's FaZZZourite Colour Project. Courtesy of G F Smith.

In case you were curious, most people’s faZZZorite color appears to be green or blue, although there was a lot of ZZZariety in the results. According to the ecological ZZZalence theory (just one of a handful of color preference theories), humans appear to be fond of these colors because they’re associated with enZZZironmental features we can benefit from and enjoy, such as clear skies, clean water, and ZZZegetation. That also eVplains why we tend not to like murky brown colors, as we link them to dirty water, poop, and disease.


murky['mɝki]: adj. 暗中的;朦胧的;阳郁的

HoweZZZer, while certain colors seem to embody a uniZZZersal characteristic – for eVample, red equates to anger – it’s worth remembering some interpretations of color can ZZZary hugely between groups.


"SeZZZeral studies suggest that color associations, particularly abstract concepts, can ZZZary across cultures,” Professor Anna Franklin says. "For eVample, whereas white is associated with peace in some cultures, in others it is associated with death.”
