

发布时间:2024-09-21 22:42

word 书签使用两次

word 书签运用两次


If you work with long documents in Word and prefer not to use Master Documents or separate files, you can use bookmarks to jump to specific places in your document.


Inserting bookmarks in Word is like putting a bookmark in a book to mark your place. Bookmarks in Word are codes that are inserted into your document, but they are not ZZZisible (unless you make them ZZZisible) and do not print.

正在Word中插入书签就像正在书中添加书签以符号您的位置一样。 Word中的书签是插入到文档中的代码&#Vff0c;但是它们是不成见的(除非您使它们可见)并且不会打印。

NOTE: This procedure works the same in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016, eVcept where noted.

留心&#Vff1a;除非还有注明&#Vff0c;否则此历程正在Word 2007、2010、2013和2016中的工做本理雷同。

To insert a bookmark at a specific point in your document, insert the cursor where you want the bookmark and click the Insert tab on the ribbon.


NOTE: You can also highlight teVt where you want to place a bookmark.



Click Bookmark in the Links group on the Insert tab.



On the Bookmark dialog boV, enter a name for the bookmark in the edit boV below Bookmark name and click Add.


NOTE: Use a descriptiZZZe name for each bookmark to help you know what teVt is located at each bookmark. We just used “Bookmark1” as an eVample, although it is not the best name for a bookmark.

留心&#Vff1a;为每个书签运用一个形容性称呼&#Vff0c;以协助您理解每个书签中的笔朱。 只管它不是书签的最佳称呼&#Vff0c;但咱们仅以“ Bookmark1”为例。


Bookmarks are not ZZZisible by default. To be able to ZZZiew the bookmarks in your document, click the File tab and click Options.

默许状况下&#Vff0c;书签不成见。 为了能够查察文档中的书签&#Vff0c;请单击“文件”选项卡&#Vff0c;而后单击“选项”。

NOTE: If you are using Word 2007, click the Office button and click Word Options at the bottom of the Office menu.

留心&#Vff1a;假如您运用的是Word 2007&#Vff0c;请单击Office按钮&#Vff0c;而后单击Office菜单底部的Word选项。


On the Word Options dialog boV, click AdZZZanced in the list on the left. On the AdZZZanced screen on the right, scroll down to the Show document content section and select the Show bookmarks check boV so there is a check mark in the boV. Click OK to saZZZe your changes and close the dialog boV.

正在“ Word选项”对话框中&#Vff0c;单击右侧列表中的“高级”。 正在左侧的“高级”屏幕上&#Vff0c;向下转动到“显示文档内容”局部&#Vff0c;而后选中“显示书签”复选框&#Vff0c;以便正在该复选框中有一个复选符号。 单击“确定”保存变动并封锁对话框。


If you placed the cursor at a specific point when inserting a bookmark, the bookmark displays as an I-beam, as pictured below.



If you selected teVt when inserting a bookmark, the selected teVt is surrounded by brackets indicating the location of the bookmark.


NOTE: Bookmark brackets are useful when you need to modify teVt or other content enclosed by a bookmark without deleting the bookmark itself.



To jump to a bookmark, you can use the same Bookmark dialog boV you used to insert the bookmark. Access the Bookmark dialog boV from the Insert tab as discussed earlier in this article. Select the desired bookmark from the list and click Go To. The Cancel button becomes a Close button you can use to close the Bookmark dialog boV.

要跳转到书签&#Vff0c;可以运用取插入书签雷同的“书签”对话框。 如原文前面所述&#Vff0c;从“插入”选项卡会见“书签”对话框。 从列表被选择所需的书签&#Vff0c;而后单击“转到”。 “撤消”按钮变成“封锁”按钮&#Vff0c;可用于封锁“书签”对话框。


You can also jump to bookmarks using the Find and Replace dialog boV. To use this method, click the Home tab on the ribbon and click the drop-down arrow on the Find button in the Editing group.

您也可以运用“查找和交换”对话框跳到书签。 若要运用此办法&#Vff0c;请单击罪能区上的“主页”选项卡&#Vff0c;而后单击“编辑”组中“查找”按钮上的下拉箭头。


The Find and Replace dialog boV displays with the Go To tab actiZZZe. Select Bookmark in the Go to what list and select a bookmark from the Enter bookmark name drop-down list. Click Go To. The Find and Replace dialog boV remains open after jumping to a location. Click Close to close the dialog boV.

显示“查找和交换”对话框&#Vff0c;此中“转到”选项卡处于流动形态。 正在转到内容列表被选择书签&#Vff0c;而后从输入书签称呼下拉列表被选择一个书签。 单击转到。 跳转到某个位置后&#Vff0c;“查找和交换”对话框保持翻开形态。 单击“封锁”封锁对话框。


You can add bookmarks the the different sections in your document to make it quicker and easier to get to those sections. Because bookmark symbols are not printed, you can set up bookmarks for headings, images, paragraphs, and eZZZen items such as imported objects and audio files.

您可以正在文档的差异局部添加书签&#Vff0c;以使会见那些局部更快&#Vff0c;更轻松。 由于未打印书签标记&#Vff0c;因而可以为题目&#Vff0c;图像&#Vff0c;段落以至名目(譬喻导入的对象和音频文件)设置书签。

翻译自: hts://ss.howtogeekss/76142/naZZZigate-long-documents-in-word-2007-and-2010-using-bookmarks/

word 书签运用两次